Press Release: I’m Back

It’s me, hi, I’m the burnout, it’s me.

Hey everyone—so I disappeared for a while, and I’m here to chat about it.

As most of you know (because I won’t shut up about it), near the end of May, I got married, and it was an incredible day. However, right after that, we received some unfortunate news: a close relative passed away. This led to us spending a lot of time with family. Shortly after, my in-laws took us on a two-week trip across Ireland (which was amazing, we saw Taylor Swift perform Love Story it was wild).

Since then, almost every weekend has been booked with either a summer trip, a wedding, a friend's celebration, or family visits. I’ve been super busy, but I’m not complaining. It’s the good kind of busy—filled with memories, beers with new friends, beers with old friends, and cherishing some very important family time. It’s been great, but because of that, I haven’t had the time to get back to creating TTRPG content, and I don’t see myself being able to maintain a monthly schedule moving forward.

All of this is a long way of saying that a monthly content stream just doesn’t fit my current lifestyle. Between busy summers, family responsibilities, and my 9-to-5 job, I just can’t realistically keep the content flowing. But I still have ideas, and I still want to write grimdark content for TTRPGs because it’s so creatively fulfilling for me.

That being said, I’m making some big changes to my whole operation, and I want to let you in on them.

First and foremost, I’m shutting down my Patreon and moving to this beautiful website, which will be selling my content going forward. This way, I won’t feel pressured to release content monthly, giving me a much healthier relationship with my creative work. So please, take a look around when you’re done reading. It’s still pretty bare bones at the moment, but I’m proud of it.

Secondly, I’m shifting gears to focus more on freelance TTRPG content writing. I’ve already completed a few jobs over the summer, and I’m really enjoying working with other creators. Sign up for my email list at the bottom of the page to stay updated on the projects I’m part of, and if you need some extra creativity for your own project, feel free to reach out!

So yeah, some pretty big changes, but hopefully, this will let me fall back in love with writing fantasy content and stop it from becoming just another unchecked item on my to-do list.

To wrap things up, as I continue down this winding road as a TTRPG content creator and writer, I’m sure I’ll take some more L’s along the way. Going dark for two months is definitely a big one, but it gave me the chance to reassess where I stand with content creation and figure out what I want it to look like moving forward.

Once again, thank you all for your amazing support. I probably wouldn’t be writing this if you, the reader, didn’t exist. I’m forever humbled by every like, comment, and word of encouragement. <3

Thanks again, and I’ll talk to you all in my next post!


The Nyrotha Worldbuilding Project